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The best cup of coffee in the world

Have you ever had a cup of coffee that made your taste buds dance? Well, this summer I was fortunate enough to visit a new coffee shop that inspired this post. For all of you coffee connoisseurs out there here we go. In my experience some black coffee is just bitter and acidic to the taste, now don't get me wrong when I say this because I love Starbucks; but if you've ever tried a cup of their black coffee needless to say you are left with a bitter after taste. So in search of the perfect black coffee I visited TRU BRU located on Chapman Avenue in Orange County California.

TRU BRU is a health conscious, organic coffee house that specializes in quality brews from around the world. Not only does this goldmine serve freshly ground coffee but they also serve wine and a variety of breakfast and lunch selections as well.

Upon entry the ambiance was warm and cozy set to a backdrop of urban touches and natural wood. As a fire burned in the hearth two customers sat on couches opposite each other playing a game of chess while on the other side of the room several women enjoyed a glass of wine over conversation. The room was traversed by a long table filled with customers on their lap tops. As I stood in line perusing the delicious and organic baked goodies, the smell of fresh ground coffee tempted my nose and my stomach began to growl. Fresh pink roses sat on the counter while huge black chalk boards highlighted the daily specials.

I order the caramel macchiato which is served in a petite sized cup topped with a heart made of foam. A warm blend of espresso and milk with a buttery nut aroma brightens my mood. To taste, the flavors bounce off of my palate and make me smile. This is a cup of joe that would satisfy any palate. My friend ordered a cup of black coffee, which I tasted as well. No after taste. No bitterness. No acidity. I am in love.

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